I'm on a small committee in charge of a regional adoption conference in November. We'll have adoption caseworkers and adoptive couples and birth mothers in attendance from the entire western United States. It's going to be a really big deal and I'm supposed to be working on plans now... except I have a smaller one (for just our area) I'm solely in charge of this weekend that's been taking all my time. So in the meantime another gal lined this guy up to perform at the conference. Please watch the video. It's several minutes long but so enjoyable -- you will not be disappointed. And if you really like it, in a few months I can give you registration details for the conference.
I'm so impressed with him and I'm so glad I've been too busy to make my own plans because I never would have suggested such coolness for our conference. If the stars align we might have some other big names including former Senator Gordon Smith (who has a heart-wrenching adoption story) and one of my favorite bloggers (who featured yours truly last week -- I'm famous!).
that was so cool I had to sit down and stop what I was doing to take it all in...the piano,cello my two favorite instruments.Thanks for sharing
I really loved that. Those two songs are both on Hippo's "all time faves" list; I think "Viva La Vida" is actually his first favorite song--I remember watching the video last summer a lot, when he was just two or three months old. And if he wasn't napping right now he'd have gotten to watch too. I'll show him later post a comment about his reaction.
BTW, the Taylor Swift concert was super awesome and I think I teared up more than once--she is a really cool girl.
good job in all your doing. i read your guest blog over at the rhouse. i have never thought that you were anything BUT brave and you could and would do anything you wanted. i am glad you've found a place to work some miracle of your own though ... the grass is always greener I guess. You might be envious of things out of your control, but I am envious at how you've found that SOMETHING that can change the world - seriously - one mom/baby at a time. how lucky are you to find something to be passionate about. I think too many moms (or maybe just me) struggle how to find the eternal in the day to day and it seems like you are closer to knowing then most.
It's amazing how many talented people and great music there is out there. Much better than what many of the big labels put out. Thanks for sharing. and imagine you're Taylor Swift, only 19 and already being covered.
Hippo LOVED that video.
ok so serously I LOVED THAT!!! IT was sooooooooo awesome....and i totally agree with strykerlove..you are an amazinging BRAVE person. The things you are doing for the adoption world are AMAZING! you are changing it one birth mom and baby at a time. Be proud of yourself...you absoutly amaze me!!!! GOOOOO SUPER MIGUEL!!! you are the best!
oh btw..i totally want to go to that conference..I love jon schmidt...he is sooooooooo amazing...
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