Friday, March 11, 2011

Climb Every Mountain

I got a lot done this week.  Got our taxes together.  Got all caught up on the ironing for probably the first time in 3-4 years.  Got the house relatively clean.  Got the whites folded today right when they came out of the dryer.  Read a really good book.  Got to the gym as many times as I wanted.

Most importantly, I learned two very important lessons.  One: fasting works.  And two: you shouldn't make decisions when you are climbing a mountain.  I learned that listening to an interview with two prominent Church leaders and marathon runners.  Profound, I tell you.  Consider all the ways that applies to your life right now.  Let me say that again:

You shouldn't make decisions when you are climbing a mountain. 

Lest you think the week was totally awesome.  My 3-year old is currently screaming in his room because he got left behind when daddy and brother went to the elementary school carnival this evening.  I asked the boys to clean their rooms.  One brother obeyed, the little one didn't.  So he didn't get to go.

G thinks I'm super mean and keeps telling me he wants to start spoiling our kids because he's tired of disappointing them and making them cry.  I don't think it's mean at all.  I think parents that spoil their kids are mean because they set their kids up to be the frustrating adults I keep running across.

When G gets home from the carnival I'm going to tell him he can't make any parenting decisions (including changing our designated parenting course) when climbing a mountain.  And teaching our baby how to clean up after himself is definitely going to be like climbing a mountain.

Postedit:  I just put Sambo to bed.  He prayed that he could make his family happy and clean up his room.  I think he learned a valuable lesson too this week.

1 comment:

Danyella said...

I cannot wait to meet Sam! I will be home in a few days! Would love to see you all! Love your blog by the way :)
