Saturday, December 11, 2010

Love Days Like This

Last week Nicki, Christy and I made applesauce for the first time.  I absolutely love canning and I love apples, so it sounded like a recipe for a great afternoon.  We spent the entire day canning 100 pounds of aurora apples.  I grossly underestimated how fabulous the applesauce would taste.  It turned out so great!  And the best part?  A full day of fun conversation with wonderful friends.  We can hardly wait until next summer so we can fire up the gas burners and can something else!


Myndi said...

Because I don't have any canning supplies I froze my apples and make applesauce on the stove top. It doesn't last more than a few hours because it is soooo good. I can't bare to think of ever eating store bought again.

I was going to tell you about it but I thought you didn't like applesauce.

Nicki said...

Check us out, being all self-sufficient. It was a blast and something we're going to have to make a tradition of :) Thanks for sacrificing your house for the mess!