Friday, July 1, 2011

Another Perfect Week/Day

I was extremely excited for summer vacation to begin.  And it's actually turning out better than I thought it would, which is saying a lot -- considering I was imaging perfection.

This week:
Zoo with Sam's birthmom
Visit from my mom
Weed 3/4 of our backyard
Stare at amazingly awesome veggie garden
Library trip
Temple trip and food with G
Bake cookies with friends and deliver to fireman and police in our community.  Christy's brilliant idea.
Eat lunch and talk to friends at the gym
Put kids to bed ridiculously late every night

Kids sleep in til 9:00
Learn Myndi is going camping this weekend
Strawberry picking.  Plants full of berries.  Best picking I've ever done.
BBQ at park to celebrate Nicki's birth
80-degree weather
Kids jump and roll in mud at park and experience pure joy
Lady gets snippy with me concerning someone else's kid.  In so many words, tell her to CHILL OUT.
Eat amazing salted caramel cupcake 
Come home to different friend's amazing peanut butter cup cupcakes
Buddy washes himself and his brother in the bath without being asked to help me out
Kids' friends sleep over
Kids fall asleep easily (thankyouverymuch Melatonin)
Look at totally cool beehive Ben put in our backyard

And this, my friends, is why I love summer vacation.

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