Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Read This

I wish I was the kind of person that could write like this.  Please make reading this article a priority.  I'm really glad I ran across this today, especially since these are ideas that have been spinning around in my head for a couple of weeks now.  Profound. 


crazymamma said...

best thing i have read in a long time. this hits close to home with so many of us right now. i cannot tell you how much i needed to read this. i miss you bestie. thank you for sharing this.

C Love said...

Really amazing!! I think this is something everyone can relate to and should read and consider as we go about our day... What is that crabby person dealing with today? Why is she not returning my phone calls? What is going on with them and how can I help or understand?
Thank you for sharing!!!!

Myndi said...

That's awesome.